Dining Hall Meals
Monday thru Friday meals are served in the Fellowship Center for Dinner and Supper. Meals can be purchased individually by the meal at the door, or by purchasing adult or child meal tickets from the window next to the snack stand. The tickets are either 1/2 or full tickets (5 or 10 meals).
Mealtimes are 11:30 AM for Dinner and 4:45 PM for Supper.
We will begin seating 10 minutes prior to the meal. At mealtime, we will begin with a song and prayer, followed by tables being directed to the buffet line.
Take out meals are available by filling out an order form at the Snack Stand prior to the meal. The take-out will be ready after the meal at the snack stand.
Sunday Dinner is at 11:30 AM. The meal is catered by Heiseys diner and is by donation to the Mission Board.
The Dining Hall will not be serving Dinner at 11:30 Monday. Your Meal Tickets will be honored at the Snack Stand Monday Dinnertime Only