TLC / Plugged In
Our youth program is called TLC (Teens Living for Christ). Our goal is to serve our students in an effort to empower them with the Word of God to better equip them to make disciples. We believe that, with the proper tools, students can make an impact for the Kingdom of God.
TLC meets on Friday nights (excluding the first Friday of the month) from 7:30-10:00 at our Fellowship Center located at the Cleona Campgrove.
Plugged In
Every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month, our young adults meet at our Cleona Campgrove Fellowship Center for a time to hang out and encourage one another with the Truth of God’s Word. This ministry is called Plugged In and it was created in an effort to give young adults an outlet for growing in their faith. It is our aim to see each young adult grow in their love for the Lord as they spend time together!
Contact Us
For more information regarding TLC and Plugged In, or any youth program inquiries contact Josh Fleck, UC Youth Board Chairman or (717) 823-7071